Huwebes, Mayo 17, 2012

The Only thing that makes you Happy

The Only thing that makes you happy is being who you are,
Don't hide yourself and trying to act like somebody, be who you are no matter what people think of who you are at least you showing the real you. 

Be Yourself

Be yourself no matter what other people think, God made you the way for a reason.. think of it
           and besides an original is worth more than a copy.. So true. 

Martes, Mayo 15, 2012

Hold on to the things that make you Happy

Hold on to the things that make you Happy and let go of the things that will make you sad.
Life is too Short to be wasted just because of all those negative things.
so we should enjoy it..

We should enjoy the little things in  life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.

No Matter How Good you Behave.

No Matter How Good you Behave.

People around you will always remember the bad things you have done and your worst side.

Not at your Best.

That's why we should be careful of all the things we do in our daily life because even though how many good things you have done, they will never forget the bad things you've done....

such a True Story.